Whinchat (LLM assistant)
ChatBlock (DataBlock)
This block uses API calls to external LLMs via Langchain to provide a conversational interface to a user's data.
Implemented models include: - the GPT series of models from OpenAI - Claude from Anthropic
Each needs the server to be configured with the corresponding API keys:
A discussion of this block can be found in:
Jablonka *et al*, Digital Discovery, 2023,2, 1233-1250, DOI: 10.1039/d3dd00113j
Source code in pydatalab/apps/chat/blocks.py
class ChatBlock(DataBlock):
"""This block uses API calls to external LLMs via Langchain to provide a conversational
interface to a user's data.
Implemented models include:
- the GPT series of models from OpenAI
- Claude from Anthropic
Each needs the server to be configured with the corresponding API keys:
A discussion of this block can be found in:
Jablonka *et al*, Digital Discovery, 2023,2, 1233-1250, DOI: 10.1039/d3dd00113j
blocktype = "chat"
description = "Virtual LLM assistant block allows you to converse with your data."
name = "Whinchat assistant"
accepted_file_extensions = None
chat_client: BaseChatModel | None = None
__supports_collections = True
defaults = {
"system_prompt": """You are whinchat (lowercase w), a virtual data managment assistant that helps materials chemists manage their experimental data and plan experiments. You are deployed in the group of Professor Clare Grey in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Cambridge.
You are embedded within the program datalab, where you have access to JSON describing an ‘item’, or a collection of items, with connections to other items. These items may include experimental samples, starting materials, and devices (e.g. battery cells made out of experimental samples and starting materials).
Answer questions in markdown. Specify the language for all markdown code blocks. You can make diagrams by writing a mermaid code block or an svg code block. When writing mermaid code, you must use quotations around each of the labels (e.g. A["label1"] --> B["label2"])
Be as concise as possible. When saying your name, type a bird emoji right after whinchat 🐦.
"temperature": 0.2,
"error_message": None,
"model": "gpt-4o",
"available_models": {
"claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022": {
"name": "claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022",
"context_window": 200_000,
"input_cost_usd_per_MTok": 3.00,
"output_cost_usd_per_MTok": 15.00,
"claude-3-5-haiku-20241022": {
"name": "claude-3-haiku-20241022",
"context_window": 200_000,
"input_cost_usd_per_MTok": 1.00,
"output_cost_usd_per_MTok": 5.00,
"claude-3-haiku-20240307": {
"name": "claude-3-haiku-20240307",
"context_window": 200_000,
"input_cost_usd_per_MTok": 0.25,
"output_cost_usd_per_MTok": 1.25,
"claude-3-opus-20240229": {
"name": "claude-3-opus-20240229",
"context_window": 200000,
"input_cost_usd_per_MTok": 15.00,
"output_cost_usd_per_MTok": 75.00,
"gpt-4o": {
"name": "gpt-4o",
"context_window": 128000,
"input_cost_usd_per_MTok": 5.00,
"output_cost_usd_per_MTok": 15.00,
"gpt-4o-mini": {
"name": "gpt-4o-mini",
"context_window": 128_000,
"input_cost_usd_per_MTok": 0.15,
"output_cost_usd_per_MTok": 0.60,
"gpt-4": {
"name": "gpt-4",
"context_window": 8192,
"input_cost_usd_per_MTok": 30.00,
"output_cost_usd_per_MTok": 60.00,
"gpt-4-turbo": {
"name": "gpt-4-turbo",
"context_window": 128000,
"input_cost_usd_per_MTok": 10.00,
"output_cost_usd_per_MTok": 30.00,
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def to_db(self):
"""returns a dictionary with the data for this
block, ready to be input into mongodb"""
return super().to_db()
def plot_functions(self):
return (self.render,)
def render(self):
if not self.data.get("messages"):
if (item_id := self.data.get("item_id")) is not None:
info_json = self._prepare_item_json_for_chat(item_id)
elif (collection_id := self.data.get("collection_id")) is not None:
info_json = self._prepare_collection_json_for_chat(collection_id)
raise RuntimeError("No item or collection id provided")
self.data["messages"] = [
"role": "system",
"content": self.defaults["system_prompt"],
"role": "user",
"content": f"""Here is the JSON data for the current item(s): {info_json}.
Start with a friendly introduction and give me a one sentence summary of what this is (not detailed, no information about specific masses). """,
if self.data.get("prompt") and self.data.get("prompt").strip():
"role": "user",
"content": self.data["prompt"],
self.data["prompt"] = None
"Chat block: no prompt was provided (or prompt was entirely whitespace), so no inference will be performed"
if self.data["messages"][-1].role not in ("user", "system"):
except AttributeError:
if self.data["messages"][-1]["role"] not in ("user", "system"):
if self.data.get("model") not in self.data.get("available_models", {}):
bad_model = self.data.get("model")
self.data["error_message"] = (
f"Chatblock received an unknown or deprecated model: {bad_model}. Reverting to default model {self.defaults['model']}."
self.data["model"] = self.defaults["model"]
model_name = self.data["model"]
model_dict = self.data["available_models"][model_name]
LOGGER.warning(f"Initializing chatblock with model: {model_name}")
if model_name.startswith("claude"):
self.chat_client = ChatAnthropic(
elif model_name.startswith("gpt"):
self.chat_client = ChatOpenAI(
f"submitting request to API for completion with last message role \"{self.data['messages'][-1]['role']}\" (message = {self.data['messages'][-1:]}). Temperature = {self.data['temperature']} (type {type(self.data['temperature'])})"
from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage
# Convert your messages to the required format
langchain_messages = []
for message in self.data["messages"]:
if message["role"] == "user":
elif message["role"] == "system":
token_count = self.chat_client.get_num_tokens_from_messages(langchain_messages)
self.data["token_count"] = token_count
if token_count >= model_dict["context_window"]:
self.data["error_message"] = (
f"""This conversation has reached its maximum context size and the chatbot won't be able to respond further ({token_count} tokens, max: {model_dict['context_window']}). Please make a new chat block to start fresh, or use a model with a larger context window"""
# Call the chat client with the invoke method
response = self.chat_client.invoke(langchain_messages)
token_count = self.chat_client.get_num_tokens_from_messages(langchain_messages)
self.data["token_count"] = token_count
self.data["messages"].append({"role": "assistant", "content": response.content})
self.data["error_message"] = None
except Exception as exc:
LOGGER.debug("Received an error from API: %s", exc)
self.data["error_message"] = (
f"Received an error from the API: {exc}.\n\n Consider choosing a different model and reloading the block."
def _prepare_item_json_for_chat(self, item_id: str):
from pydatalab.routes.v0_1.items import get_item_data
item_info = get_item_data(item_id, load_blocks=False).json
model = ITEM_MODELS[item_info["item_data"]["type"]](**item_info["item_data"])
if model.blocks_obj:
model.blocks_obj = {
k: value for k, value in model.blocks_obj.items() if value["blocktype"] != "chat"
item_info = model.dict(exclude_none=True, exclude_unset=True)
item_info["type"] = model.type
# strip irrelevant or large fields
item_filenames = {
str(file["immutable_id"]): file["name"] for file in item_info.get("files", [])
big_data_keys = ["bokeh_plot_data", "b64_encoded_image"]
for block in item_info.get("blocks_obj", {}).values():
block_fields_to_remove = ["item_id", "block_id", "collection_id"] + big_data_keys
[block.pop(field, None) for field in block_fields_to_remove]
# nmr block fields to remove (need a more general way to do this)
NMR_fields_to_remove = [
[block.pop(field, None) for field in NMR_fields_to_remove]
# replace file_id with the actual filename
file_id = block.pop("file_id", None)
if file_id:
block["file"] = item_filenames.get(file_id, None)
top_level_keys_to_remove = [
for k in top_level_keys_to_remove:
item_info.pop(k, None)
for ind, f in enumerate(item_info.get("relationships", [])):
item_info["relationships"][ind] = {
k: v for k, v in f.items() if k in ["item_id", "type", "relation"]
item_info["files"] = [file["name"] for file in item_info.get("files", [])]
item_info["creators"] = [
creator["display_name"] for creator in item_info.get("creators", [])
# move blocks from blocks_obj to a simpler list to further cut down tokens,
# especially in alphanumeric block_id fields
item_info["blocks"] = [block for block in item_info.pop("blocks_obj", {}).values()]
item_info = {k: value for k, value in item_info.items() if value}
for key in [
if key in item_info:
for constituent in item_info[key]:
LOGGER.debug("iterating through constituents:")
if "quantity" in constituent:
constituent["quantity"] = (
f"{constituent.get('quantity', 'unknown')} {constituent.get('unit', '')}"
constituent.pop("unit", None)
# Note manual replaces to help avoid escape sequences that take up extra tokens
item_info_json = (
json.dumps(item_info, cls=CustomJSONEncoder)
.replace('"', "'")
.replace(r"\'", "'")
.replace(r"\n", " ")
return item_info_json
def _prepare_collection_json_for_chat(self, collection_id: str):
from pydatalab.routes.v0_1.collections import get_collection
collection_data = get_collection(collection_id).json
if collection_data["status"] != "success":
raise RuntimeError(f"Attempt to get collection data for {collection_id} failed.")
children = collection_data["child_items"]
return (
+ ",".join([self._prepare_item_json_for_chat(child["item_id"]) for child in children])
+ "]"
accepted_file_extensions: tuple[str, ...] | None
A list of file extensions that the block will attempt to read.
blocktype: str
A short (unique) string key specifying the type of block.
chat_client: langchain_core.language_models.chat_models.BaseChatModel | None
defaults: Dict[str, Any]
Any default values that should be set if they are not supplied during block init.
description: str
A longer description outlining the purpose and capability of the block.
name: str
The human-readable block name specifying which technique or file format it pertains to.
__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Source code in pydatalab/apps/chat/blocks.py
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
returns a dictionary with the data for this block, ready to be input into mongodb
Source code in pydatalab/apps/chat/blocks.py
def to_db(self):
"""returns a dictionary with the data for this
block, ready to be input into mongodb"""
return super().to_db()
Source code in pydatalab/apps/chat/blocks.py
def render(self):
if not self.data.get("messages"):
if (item_id := self.data.get("item_id")) is not None:
info_json = self._prepare_item_json_for_chat(item_id)
elif (collection_id := self.data.get("collection_id")) is not None:
info_json = self._prepare_collection_json_for_chat(collection_id)
raise RuntimeError("No item or collection id provided")
self.data["messages"] = [
"role": "system",
"content": self.defaults["system_prompt"],
"role": "user",
"content": f"""Here is the JSON data for the current item(s): {info_json}.
Start with a friendly introduction and give me a one sentence summary of what this is (not detailed, no information about specific masses). """,
if self.data.get("prompt") and self.data.get("prompt").strip():
"role": "user",
"content": self.data["prompt"],
self.data["prompt"] = None
"Chat block: no prompt was provided (or prompt was entirely whitespace), so no inference will be performed"
if self.data["messages"][-1].role not in ("user", "system"):
except AttributeError:
if self.data["messages"][-1]["role"] not in ("user", "system"):
if self.data.get("model") not in self.data.get("available_models", {}):
bad_model = self.data.get("model")
self.data["error_message"] = (
f"Chatblock received an unknown or deprecated model: {bad_model}. Reverting to default model {self.defaults['model']}."
self.data["model"] = self.defaults["model"]
model_name = self.data["model"]
model_dict = self.data["available_models"][model_name]
LOGGER.warning(f"Initializing chatblock with model: {model_name}")
if model_name.startswith("claude"):
self.chat_client = ChatAnthropic(
elif model_name.startswith("gpt"):
self.chat_client = ChatOpenAI(
f"submitting request to API for completion with last message role \"{self.data['messages'][-1]['role']}\" (message = {self.data['messages'][-1:]}). Temperature = {self.data['temperature']} (type {type(self.data['temperature'])})"
from langchain_core.messages import AIMessage, HumanMessage, SystemMessage
# Convert your messages to the required format
langchain_messages = []
for message in self.data["messages"]:
if message["role"] == "user":
elif message["role"] == "system":
token_count = self.chat_client.get_num_tokens_from_messages(langchain_messages)
self.data["token_count"] = token_count
if token_count >= model_dict["context_window"]:
self.data["error_message"] = (
f"""This conversation has reached its maximum context size and the chatbot won't be able to respond further ({token_count} tokens, max: {model_dict['context_window']}). Please make a new chat block to start fresh, or use a model with a larger context window"""
# Call the chat client with the invoke method
response = self.chat_client.invoke(langchain_messages)
token_count = self.chat_client.get_num_tokens_from_messages(langchain_messages)
self.data["token_count"] = token_count
self.data["messages"].append({"role": "assistant", "content": response.content})
self.data["error_message"] = None
except Exception as exc:
LOGGER.debug("Received an error from API: %s", exc)
self.data["error_message"] = (
f"Received an error from the API: {exc}.\n\n Consider choosing a different model and reloading the block."