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Server configuration

This document describes the different options for configuring a datalab instance. It is primarily intended for those who are deploying datalab on persistent hardware, but may also be useful for developers. Deployment instructions can be found under "Deploying datalab and server administration".

datalab has 3 main configuration sources.

  1. The Python ServerConfig (described below) that allows for datalab-specific configuration, such as database connection info, filestore locations and remote filesystem configuration. .
    • This can be provided via a JSON or YAML config file at the location provided by the PYDATALAB_CONFIG_FILE environment variable, or as environment variables themselves, prefixed with PYDATALAB_. The available configuration variables and their default values are listed below.
  2. Additional server configuration provided as environment variables, such as secrets like Flask's SECRET_KEY, API keys for external services (e.g., SMTP) and OAuth client credentials (for logging in via GitHub or ORCID).
    • These can be provided as environment variables or in a .env file in the directory from which pydatalab is launched.
  3. Web app configuration, such as the URL of the relevant datalab API and branding (logo URLs, external homepage links).
    • These are typically provided as a .env file in the directory from which the webapp is built/served.

Mandatory settings

There is only one mandatory setting when creating a deployment. This is the IDENTIFIER_PREFIX, which shall be prepended to every entry's refcode to enable global uniqueness of datalab entries. For now, the prefixes themselves are not checked for uniqueness across the fledling datalab federation, but will in the future.

This prefix should be set to something relatively short (max 10 chars.) that describes your group or your deployment, e.g., the PI's surname, project ID or department.

This can be set either via a config file, or as an environment variable (e.g., PYDATALAB_IDENTIFIER_PREFIX='grey'). Be warned, if the prefix changes between server launches, all entries will have to be migrated manually to the desired prefix, or maintained at the old prefix.

User registration & authentication

datalab has three supported user registration/authentication mechanisms:

  1. OAuth2 via GitHub accounts that are public members of appropriate GitHub organizations
  2. OAuth2 via ORCID
  3. via magic links sent to email addresses

Each is configured differently. If left unconfigured, then the corresponding registration mechanism will not be available to the user.

GitHub OAuth2

For GitHub, you must register a GitHub OAuth application for your instance, providing the client ID and secret in the .env for the API, using the variable names GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET. These should be provided in a .env file local to your app and not added to your main config file.

The authorization callback URL in the GitHub app settings should be set to <YOUR_API_URL>/login/github/authorized. A user's first login may direct them to this page rather than the web app, depending on their browser. The user will then simply have to navigate back to the URL of the web app, where they should find themselves to be logged in.

Then, you can configure GITHUB_ORG_ALLOW_LIST with a list of string IDs of GitHub organizations that user's must be a public member of to register an account. If this value is set to None, then no accounts will be able to register, and if it is set to an empty list, then no restrictions will apply. You can find the relevant organization IDs using the GitHub API, for example at<org_name>.


For ORCID integration, each datalab instance must currently register for the ORCID developer program and request new credentials for their public API. These credentials can then be provided via the ORCID_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID and ORCID_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables, in the same way as the GitHub settings above. Currently, only users with existing datalab accounts can connect their ORCIDs, but in future new users will be able to register for a datalab instance via ORCID, with an admin required to validate their registration.

To support sign-in via email magic-links, you must currently provide additional configuration for authorized SMTP server. The SMTP server must be configured via the settings EMAIL_AUTH_SMTP_SETTINGS, with expected values MAIL_SERVER, MAIL_USER, MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER, MAIL_PORT and MAIL_USE_TLS, following the environment variables described in the Flask-Mail documentation. The MAIL_PASSWORD setting should then be provided via a .env file.

Third-party options could include SendGrid, which can be configured to use the MAIL_USER apikey with an appropriate API key, after verifying ownership of the MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER address via DNS (see the SendGrid documentation for an example configuration).

The email addresses that are allowed to sign up can be restricted by domain/subdomain using the EMAIL_DOMAIN_ALLOW_LIST setting.

Remote filesystems

This package allows you to attach files from remote filesystems to samples and other entries. These filesystems can be configured in the config file with the REMOTE_FILESYSTEMS option. In practice, these options should be set in a centralised deployment.

Currently, there are two mechanisms for accessing remote files:

  1. You can mount the filesystem locally and provide the path in your datalab config file. For example, for Cambridge Chemistry users, you will have to (connect to the ChemNet VPN and) mount the Grey Group backup servers on your local machine, then define these folders in your config.
  2. Access over SSH: alternatively, you can set up passwordless ssh access to a machine (e.g., using citadel as a proxy jump), and paths on that remote machine can be configured as separate filesystems. The filesystem metadata will be synced periodically, and any files attached in datalab will be downloaded and stored locally on the pydatalab server (with the file being kept younger than 1 hour old on each access).

Config API Reference

pydatalab.config.ServerConfig (BaseSettings) pydantic-model

A model that provides settings for deploying the API.

APP_URL: str pydantic-field

The canonical URL for any UI associated with this instance; will be used for redirects on user login/registration.

SECRET_KEY: str pydantic-field

The secret key to use for Flask. This value should be changed and/or loaded from an environment variable for production deployments.

MONGO_URI: str pydantic-field

The URI for the underlying MongoDB.

SESSION_LIFETIME: int pydantic-field

The lifetime of each authenticated session, in hours.

FILE_DIRECTORY: Union[str, pathlib.Path] pydantic-field

The path under which to place stored files uploaded to the server.

LOG_FILE: str | pathlib.Path | None pydantic-field

The path to the log file to use for the server and all associated processes (e.g., invoke tasks)

DEBUG: bool pydantic-field

Whether to enable debug-level logging in the server.

TESTING: bool pydantic-field

Whether to run the server in testing mode, i.e., without user auth.

IDENTIFIER_PREFIX: str pydantic-field

The prefix to use for identifiers in this deployment, e.g., 'grey' in grey:AAAAAA

REFCODE_GENERATOR: Type[pydatalab.models.utils.RefCodeFactory] pydantic-field

The class to use to generate refcodes.

REMOTE_FILESYSTEMS: List[pydatalab.config.RemoteFilesystem] pydantic-field

REMOTE_CACHE_MAX_AGE: int pydantic-field

The maximum age, in minutes, of the remote filesystem cache after which it should be invalidated.

REMOTE_CACHE_MIN_AGE: int pydantic-field

The minimum age, in minutes, of the remote filesystem cache, below which the cache will not be invalidated if an update is manually requested.

BEHIND_REVERSE_PROXY: bool pydantic-field

Whether the Flask app is being deployed behind a reverse proxy. If True, the reverse proxy middleware described in the Flask docs will be attached to the app.

GITHUB_ORG_ALLOW_LIST: List[str] pydantic-field

A list of GitHub organization IDs (available from<org_name>, and are immutable) or organisation names (which can change, so be warned), that the membership of which will be required to register a new datalab account. Setting the value to None will allow any GitHub user to register an account.

DEPLOYMENT_METADATA: DeploymentMetadata pydantic-field

A dictionary containing metadata to serve at /info.


Whether to automatically activate accounts created via ORCID registration.


Whether to automatically activate accounts created via GitHub registration.


Whether to automatically activate accounts created via email registration.

AUTO_ACTIVATE_ACCOUNTS: bool pydantic-field

Whether to automatically activate accounts created via any registration method.

EMAIL_DOMAIN_ALLOW_LIST: List[str] pydantic-field

A list of domains for which users will be able to register accounts if they have a matching verified email address, which still need to be verified by an admin. Setting the value to None will allow any email addresses at any domain to register and activate an account, otherwise the default [] will not allow any email addresses registration.

EMAIL_AUTH_SMTP_SETTINGS: SMTPSettings pydantic-field

A dictionary containing SMTP settings for sending emails for account registration.

MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH: int pydantic-field

Direct mapping to the equivalent Flask setting. In practice, limits the file size that can be uploaded. Defaults to 10 GB to avoid filling the tmp directory of a server.

Warning: this value will overwrite any other values passed to FLASK_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH but is included here to clarify its importance when deploying a datalab instance.

BACKUP_STRATEGIES: dict pydantic-field

The desired backup configuration.

validate_cache_ages(values) classmethod

validate_identifier_prefix(v, values) classmethod

Make sure that the identifier prefix is set and is valid, raising clear error messages if not.

If in testing mode, then set the prefix to 'test' too. The app startup will test for this value and should also warn aggressively that this is unset.

deactivate_backup_strategies_during_testing(values) classmethod

make_missing_log_directory(v) classmethod

Make sure that the log directory exists and is writable.

update(self, mapping)

pydatalab.config.RemoteFilesystem (BaseModel) pydantic-model

Configuration for specifying a single remote filesystem accessible from the server.

name: str pydantic-field required

The name of the filesystem to use in the UI.

hostname: str pydantic-field

The hostname for the filesystem. None indicates the filesystem is already mounted locally.

path: Path pydantic-field required

The path to the base of the filesystem to include.

pydatalab.config.SMTPSettings (BaseModel) pydantic-model

Configuration for specifying SMTP settings for sending emails.

MAIL_SERVER: str pydantic-field

The SMTP server to use for sending emails.

MAIL_PORT: int pydantic-field

The port to use for the SMTP server.

MAIL_USERNAME: str pydantic-field

The username to use for the SMTP server. Will use the externally provided MAIL_PASSWORD environment variable for authentication.

MAIL_USE_TLS: bool pydantic-field

Whether to use TLS for the SMTP connection.

MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER: str pydantic-field

The email address to use as the sender for emails.

pydatalab.config.DeploymentMetadata (BaseModel) pydantic-model

A model for specifying metadata about a datalab deployment.

maintainer: Person pydantic-field

issue_tracker: AnyUrl pydantic-field

homepage: AnyUrl pydantic-field

source_repository: AnyUrl pydantic-field

strip_fields_from_person(v) classmethod