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Starting Materials


StartingMaterial (Item) pydantic-model

A model for representing an experimental sample.

Source code in pydatalab/models/
class StartingMaterial(Item):
    """A model for representing an experimental sample."""

    type: str = Field(
        "starting_materials", const="starting_materials", pattern="^starting_materials$"

    barcode: Optional[str] = Field(
        alias="Barcode", description="A unique barcode from ChemInventory"

    date: Optional[IsoformatDateTime] = Field(
        alias="Date Acquired", description="The date the item was acquired"

    date_opened: Optional[IsoformatDateTime] = Field(
        alias="Date opened", description="The date the container was opened"

    CAS: Optional[str] = Field(alias="Substance CAS", description="CAS Registry Number")

    chemical_purity: Optional[str] = Field(alias="Chemical purity")

    full_percent: Optional[str] = Field(alias="Full %")

    GHS_codes: Optional[str] = Field(
        alias="GHS H-codes",
        description="A string describing any GHS hazard codes associated with this item. See for code definitions.",
        examples=["H224", "H303, H316, H319"],

    name: Optional[str] = Field(alias="Container Name", description="name of the chemical")

    size: Optional[str] = Field(
        alias="Container Size", description="size of the container (see 'size_unit' for the units)"

    size_unit: Optional[str] = Field(alias="Unit", description="units for the 'size' field.")

    chemform: Optional[str] = Field(
        alias="Molecular Formula",
        description="A string representation of the chemical formula associated with this sample.",

    molar_mass: Optional[float] = Field(
        alias="Molecular Weight", description="Mass per formula unit, in g/mol"

    smiles_representation: Optional[str] = Field(
        alias="SMILES", description="Chemical structure in SMILES notation"

    supplier: Optional[str] = Field(alias="Supplier", description="Manufacturer of the chemical")

    location: Optional[str] = Field(
        alias="Location", description="Location where chemical is stored"

    comment: Optional[str] = Field(alias="Comments")

    def add_molar_mass(cls, v, values):
        from periodictable import formula

        if v is None and values.get("chemform"):
            return formula(values.get("chemform")).mass

        return v

__slots__ special

barcode: str pydantic-field

A unique barcode from ChemInventory

date_opened: IsoformatDateTime pydantic-field

The date the container was opened

CAS: str pydantic-field

CAS Registry Number

chemical_purity: str pydantic-field

full_percent: str pydantic-field

GHS_codes: str pydantic-field

A string describing any GHS hazard codes associated with this item. See for code definitions.

size: str pydantic-field

size of the container (see 'size_unit' for the units)

size_unit: str pydantic-field

units for the 'size' field.

chemform: str pydantic-field

A string representation of the chemical formula associated with this sample.

molar_mass: float pydantic-field

Mass per formula unit, in g/mol

smiles_representation: str pydantic-field

Chemical structure in SMILES notation

supplier: str pydantic-field

Manufacturer of the chemical

location: str pydantic-field

Location where chemical is stored

comment: str pydantic-field

add_molar_mass(v, values) classmethod

Source code in pydatalab/models/
def add_molar_mass(cls, v, values):
    from periodictable import formula

    if v is None and values.get("chemform"):
        return formula(values.get("chemform")).mass

    return v