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Sample (Item) pydantic-model

A model for representing an experimental sample.

Source code in pydatalab/models/
class Sample(Item):
    """A model for representing an experimental sample."""

    type: str = Field("samples", const="samples", pattern="^samples$")

    chemform: Optional[str] = Field(example=["Na3P", "LiNiO2@C"])
    """A string representation of the chemical formula or composition associated with this sample."""

    synthesis_constituents: List[Constituent] = Field([])
    """A list of references to constituent materials giving the amount and relevant inlined details of consituent items."""

    synthesis_description: Optional[str]
    """Free-text details of the procedure applied to synthesise the sample"""

    def add_missing_synthesis_relationships(cls, values):
        """Add any missing sample synthesis constituents to parent relationships"""
        from pydatalab.models.relationships import RelationshipType, TypedRelationship

        constituents_set = set()
        if values.get("synthesis_constituents") is not None:
            existing_parent_relationship_ids = set()
            if values.get("relationships") is not None:
                existing_parent_relationship_ids = {
                    relationship.item_id or relationship.refcode
                    for relationship in values["relationships"]
                    if relationship.relation == RelationshipType.PARENT
                values["relationships"] = []

            for constituent in values.get("synthesis_constituents", []):
                # If this is an inline relationship, just skip it
                if isinstance(constituent.item, InlineSubstance):
                if (
                    constituent.item.item_id not in existing_parent_relationship_ids
                    and constituent.item.refcode not in existing_parent_relationship_ids
                    relationship = TypedRelationship(
                        description="Is a constituent of",

                # Accumulate all constituent IDs in a set to filter those that have been deleted

        # Finally, filter out any parent relationships with item that were removed
        # from the synthesis constituents
        values["relationships"] = [
            for rel in values["relationships"]
            if not (
                rel.item_id not in constituents_set
                and rel.relation == RelationshipType.PARENT
                and rel.type in ("samples", "starting_materials")

        return values

__slots__ special

chemform: str pydantic-field

synthesis_constituents: List[pydatalab.models.utils.Constituent] pydantic-field

synthesis_description: str pydantic-field

add_missing_synthesis_relationships(values) classmethod

Add any missing sample synthesis constituents to parent relationships

Source code in pydatalab/models/
def add_missing_synthesis_relationships(cls, values):
    """Add any missing sample synthesis constituents to parent relationships"""
    from pydatalab.models.relationships import RelationshipType, TypedRelationship

    constituents_set = set()
    if values.get("synthesis_constituents") is not None:
        existing_parent_relationship_ids = set()
        if values.get("relationships") is not None:
            existing_parent_relationship_ids = {
                relationship.item_id or relationship.refcode
                for relationship in values["relationships"]
                if relationship.relation == RelationshipType.PARENT
            values["relationships"] = []

        for constituent in values.get("synthesis_constituents", []):
            # If this is an inline relationship, just skip it
            if isinstance(constituent.item, InlineSubstance):
            if (
                constituent.item.item_id not in existing_parent_relationship_ids
                and constituent.item.refcode not in existing_parent_relationship_ids
                relationship = TypedRelationship(
                    description="Is a constituent of",

            # Accumulate all constituent IDs in a set to filter those that have been deleted

    # Finally, filter out any parent relationships with item that were removed
    # from the synthesis constituents
    values["relationships"] = [
        for rel in values["relationships"]
        if not (
            rel.item_id not in constituents_set
            and rel.relation == RelationshipType.PARENT
            and rel.type in ("samples", "starting_materials")

    return values